Yes, this is Kristen stewart. with her current, rocker hair style for the movie "The Runnaways" and with, her wig, that she'll be wearing in the movie Eclipse. Yes, she will be wearing a wig. no hair extensions, no dying it back to normal, but a wig. personally i dont like it. sure, it fits the character description for bella. but its not the same. i also dont like the face that kristen stewart cut and dyed her hair, the hidious way it looks now, for her movie the runaways, instead of wearing a wig for that movie. why you ask? because she has become bella to most of us fans, whether she likes it or not, she is bella, and Summit entertainment pays her TONS of money to play the part of bella, Twilight made Kristen as famous as she is. and she cuts and dyes her hair for this new movie, to show how dedicated she is? does that mean she isnt dedicated to twilight? what do you think?? comment below.
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