So i have found the Official New Moon Movie poster, i realize that there have been TONS of fake fan-made posters, but most of them were proved to be not official, but this is the REAL movie poster, it was released on clevver tv's website.
i don't know if i really like this poster or not, i LOVE the idea of bella (i think thats bella lol) being alone, and it kinda looks like shes gonna go cliff diving lol, but at the same tame, it kinda depresses me because its only bella, theres not even jacob in the picture with her.
what do u think about the Official New Moon Movie Poster?
ALSO!! on march 21st on MIDNIGHT between friday and saturday you can pic up a copy of the twilight 2disk dvd with 5 extra scenes added and 5 deleted scenes also added, a total of 10 extra scenes we didnt see in the movies, so you can stop by a local boarders and pic it up, and i hear alot of people are even going as far as having a party at borders to celebrate this amazing work of art comming out on dvd, so check out if a book/movie store in your community is doing anything like this
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is NOT official. I wish it was, it's awesome, but it's not real. I saw it on bellaandedward.com a long while ago (like, 2 months ago), and they said it's fake. (bellaandedward.com would know, it's a fansite with a staff and everything) So, I think the site you found it on got it wrong!