So while i was on spring break a few things twilight related happend:
Twilight won the best book award,
the cliff diving scene of new moon will be filmed at tofino beach
thats all i have for now but new news will be up soon
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Official New Moon Movie Poster

So i have found the Official New Moon Movie poster, i realize that there have been TONS of fake fan-made posters, but most of them were proved to be not official, but this is the REAL movie poster, it was released on clevver tv's website.
i don't know if i really like this poster or not, i LOVE the idea of bella (i think thats bella lol) being alone, and it kinda looks like shes gonna go cliff diving lol, but at the same tame, it kinda depresses me because its only bella, theres not even jacob in the picture with her.
what do u think about the Official New Moon Movie Poster?
ALSO!! on march 21st on MIDNIGHT between friday and saturday you can pic up a copy of the twilight 2disk dvd with 5 extra scenes added and 5 deleted scenes also added, a total of 10 extra scenes we didnt see in the movies, so you can stop by a local boarders and pic it up, and i hear alot of people are even going as far as having a party at borders to celebrate this amazing work of art comming out on dvd, so check out if a book/movie store in your community is doing anything like this
Sunday, March 15, 2009
New Moon Music and News
I found a video that i thought some people might be interested in seeing:
its pretty much a video with a bunch of new moon inspired songs on it, and the songs are absolutely AMAZING, so show your support and dont only check out this video, but you can check out the composter/writers websites by clicking on "description" in the sidebar of the video in the link above!
also, i can't remember if i said this in a past report or not but New moon is going to be filmed in vancouver, canada, because its cheaper there then filming in oregon and it has the right weather conditions, as well as they are going to be filming in italy
its pretty much a video with a bunch of new moon inspired songs on it, and the songs are absolutely AMAZING, so show your support and dont only check out this video, but you can check out the composter/writers websites by clicking on "description" in the sidebar of the video in the link above!
also, i can't remember if i said this in a past report or not but New moon is going to be filmed in vancouver, canada, because its cheaper there then filming in oregon and it has the right weather conditions, as well as they are going to be filming in italy
Saturday, March 14, 2009
More New Moon and Eclipse Rumors
i recently heard some more rumors about New Moon and Eclipse, im not sure if any of them are real or not, but hopefully we will find out soon, and Summit Entertainment still hasn't released a cast list for New Moon, with only days left before filming begins...anyways here are the rumors:
now they are saying that Juan Antonio Bayona, James Mangold, Paul Weitz, OR Drew Barrymore could direct Eclipse!! I'm hoping Paul or Drew gets the Job, because i think they will do the best job bringing the story into play in the movie.
Leah Clearwater may not play in any of the movies at all, they are considering taking out her part entirely, which i think is extreemly STUPID because Leah plays a very signifigant role in the film and even though she is rude and self-centered the story just wouldnt be the same without her
thats about it for now, lets all keep our hopes up that the cast list will be up soon, what do u think about all this??
now they are saying that Juan Antonio Bayona, James Mangold, Paul Weitz, OR Drew Barrymore could direct Eclipse!! I'm hoping Paul or Drew gets the Job, because i think they will do the best job bringing the story into play in the movie.
Leah Clearwater may not play in any of the movies at all, they are considering taking out her part entirely, which i think is extreemly STUPID because Leah plays a very signifigant role in the film and even though she is rude and self-centered the story just wouldnt be the same without her
thats about it for now, lets all keep our hopes up that the cast list will be up soon, what do u think about all this??
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Twilight DVD Menu
Monday, March 9, 2009
so i found another deleted scene, and its a deleted KISS scene
so i found another deleted scene, and its a deleted KISS scene
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Kewl Picture

So i found this picture off of google images, and i thought it was really cool, it just shows all of the Quileute member, this is NOT the official cast (except for Jacob, Sam, and Embry) but its still a cool picture
comment and follow me :)
Jacob Black,
movie twilight,
quileute tribe,
Robert Pattinson's New Moon Music....or not

So i have come across a few articles saying that Robbert Pattinson will NOT be on the new moon sound track, and this doesn't bother me that much actually because i dont really like his style of music that much, but i know TONS of people are going to be really disappointed.
you can find the original article here:
anyways, what are your thoughts about all this, comment and follow me :)
and i still haven't found any more information about the new moon cast but i will tell you once i hear anything else about it :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
More Twilight News

This is the official DVD cover for the DVD's that are going to be sold in the United States and most of europe, other places do have different Dvd covers, but this is the main one that will mostely be used
so i found this.... and its some of the extended scenes of twilight, check it out!! :)
and heres another deleted scene from twilight:
so what do u think? comment and follow me :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009
OKAY!! so in a blog i wrote like a little bit ago it shows a link to part of a deleted scene from Twilight!!
well i found ANOTHER video and it is the WHOLE SCENE!!! SOUND AND ALL
i cannot WAIT for the movie to come out, and this scene has got me all excited for it because as a total there is going to be 10 SCENES that were not shown in theaters!!!!!!!!
ok, i think im done rambling now,
Comment and follow me :)
well i found ANOTHER video and it is the WHOLE SCENE!!! SOUND AND ALL
i cannot WAIT for the movie to come out, and this scene has got me all excited for it because as a total there is going to be 10 SCENES that were not shown in theaters!!!!!!!!
ok, i think im done rambling now,
Comment and follow me :)
Madonna in New Moon!?!?!?!

So i was randomly searching "New Moon" on google and a came across this pic of Madonna, and under the picture had a description that said "New Moon casting shocker" so of course i clicked on the picture it said
"E! News reports that ageless pop queen Madonna may be interested in joining the cast of New Moon or at least contributing to the soundtrack (or both). "
OMG!! so i realize that some people arent gonna be so thrilled with this idea, but, i LOVE LOVE LOVE Madonna, and i think it would be GREAT if she ended up joining the cast and/or the soundtrack.
what do u think?
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P.s. Doesnt she look funny in this picture??
(you can find the origional quote here:
Twilight Deleted Scene preview
So as always i came across this little clip from access hollywood on youtube
in case you dont catch whats going on is this DELETED SCENE (this part will be in the video/dvd btw) edward is like...biting (i think) bellas finger, and then she bites it, idk what they are doing, but its a deleted scene so no matter what they are doing its exciting
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in case you dont catch whats going on is this DELETED SCENE (this part will be in the video/dvd btw) edward is like...biting (i think) bellas finger, and then she bites it, idk what they are doing, but its a deleted scene so no matter what they are doing its exciting
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Midnight Sun
So i was talking to a few of my friends and they were telling me that they could only find the first Chapter of Stephanie Meyers Midnight Sun
for those of you who dont know midnight sun is a book that Stephanie Meyer started writing, but then it got leaked on the internet, and its Edwards point of view of Twilight,
So, like i was saying, a guess a bunch of people could only find the first chapter, well i found the first 12, about half the book on Stephanie Meyers Website,
so heres the link for the first 12 Chapters
and heres the link to stephanie meyers page, talking about how she feels about the leak of her book,
and i really like this first 12 chapters, because you get into edwards head and you get to know what he's thinking and its just a really good story (half story)
but stephanie meyer says she is putting the book on hold indefinatly, and that makes me sad because i really would love to read what edward thinks throughout all of the book series, because when you read midnight sun you really see that he really does care for bella, and its really good.
so anyways, what do u think about it?
for those of you who dont know midnight sun is a book that Stephanie Meyer started writing, but then it got leaked on the internet, and its Edwards point of view of Twilight,
So, like i was saying, a guess a bunch of people could only find the first chapter, well i found the first 12, about half the book on Stephanie Meyers Website,
so heres the link for the first 12 Chapters
and heres the link to stephanie meyers page, talking about how she feels about the leak of her book,
and i really like this first 12 chapters, because you get into edwards head and you get to know what he's thinking and its just a really good story (half story)
but stephanie meyer says she is putting the book on hold indefinatly, and that makes me sad because i really would love to read what edward thinks throughout all of the book series, because when you read midnight sun you really see that he really does care for bella, and its really good.
so anyways, what do u think about it?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Finally!! Some Casting
Okay, so the title of this blog might be a little mis-leading, but i do have some more news about new moon, i recently watched this video
and pretty much what this video says is:
1.) Dakota Fanning is officially playing the part of jane
2.)They want Ian Mckellen to play the part of Aro
3.)Alan Rickman is being considered to play the part of one of the Volturi members
4.)They may decide to change the character of jacob (Taylor Lautner) [AGAIN?!?!?!] because he cant grow 7 inches in one year :(, and they might be looking for alternatives to play jacobs werewolf side
5.) Rene Haynes is helming the native american casting (idk who that is)
6.) Demi Lavato said she would love to write a song about Edward or Jacob for the soundtrack
and i also found out some interesting news in this video:
and this pretty much says:
1.)New Moon will be filmed in Vancouver instead or Portland, Oregon, because filming costs are lower
2.)The New Moon casting is complete, but they havent released it yet (YAY!! now i dont have to worry anymore :P)
and lastly, a friend told me that the Jonas Brothers also want to do some music from the twilight soundtrack
:( I was really hoping that twilight would end up sorta like the harry potter movies, but if it keeps getting disney stars it might end up more like a disney movie :(
and all these rumors for cast members are getting really confusing, i hope summit entertainment releases the official cast soon
so thats about it for now, comment and follow me :)
and pretty much what this video says is:
1.) Dakota Fanning is officially playing the part of jane
2.)They want Ian Mckellen to play the part of Aro
3.)Alan Rickman is being considered to play the part of one of the Volturi members
4.)They may decide to change the character of jacob (Taylor Lautner) [AGAIN?!?!?!] because he cant grow 7 inches in one year :(, and they might be looking for alternatives to play jacobs werewolf side
5.) Rene Haynes is helming the native american casting (idk who that is)
6.) Demi Lavato said she would love to write a song about Edward or Jacob for the soundtrack
and i also found out some interesting news in this video:
and this pretty much says:
1.)New Moon will be filmed in Vancouver instead or Portland, Oregon, because filming costs are lower
2.)The New Moon casting is complete, but they havent released it yet (YAY!! now i dont have to worry anymore :P)
and lastly, a friend told me that the Jonas Brothers also want to do some music from the twilight soundtrack
:( I was really hoping that twilight would end up sorta like the harry potter movies, but if it keeps getting disney stars it might end up more like a disney movie :(
and all these rumors for cast members are getting really confusing, i hope summit entertainment releases the official cast soon
so thats about it for now, comment and follow me :)
More Burning Dusk
So a while ago i wrote a blog about a story i found online written by a twilight fan, and it was called "Burning Dusk," well the person who wrote the story just recently put up a few more chapters. like i said if your a twilight fanatic you should really check this out! its amazing and i absolutly LOVE IT!!
More New Moon related news
Ok, of course, i have come across even MORE information about New Moon
1.) Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are both getting paid $12 MILLION for new moon EACH (HOLY CRAP)
2.)The reason why Catherine Hardwicke will not be directing either New Moon or Eclipse is because the time frame of the project are not good for her, she did NOT get fired like some rumors were supporting, and i also read that people were "Rejoyced" because she wouldnt be directing it, but as far as i can tell, people were pretty pissed off that she wouldnt be directing it, (i know i was at first)
3.) New Twilight Books Coming Soon. Catherine Hardwicke Twilight Directors Notebook and The Twilight Saga: Official Guide . Stephenie started a new official website called The Twilight Saga. (IM SOOO GETTING)
4.)and lastly Taylor Lautner has reportadly gained 19 pounds before febuary and promised to gain 10 more pounds before the shooting of new moon! umm.... eww!! i mean, i know he needs to to better fit the character description of jacob, but seriously, that is SOOO unhealthy, his mother must be having a heart attack!!
thats all for now, comment and follow me :)
1.) Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are both getting paid $12 MILLION for new moon EACH (HOLY CRAP)
2.)The reason why Catherine Hardwicke will not be directing either New Moon or Eclipse is because the time frame of the project are not good for her, she did NOT get fired like some rumors were supporting, and i also read that people were "Rejoyced" because she wouldnt be directing it, but as far as i can tell, people were pretty pissed off that she wouldnt be directing it, (i know i was at first)
3.) New Twilight Books Coming Soon. Catherine Hardwicke Twilight Directors Notebook and The Twilight Saga: Official Guide . Stephenie started a new official website called The Twilight Saga. (IM SOOO GETTING)
4.)and lastly Taylor Lautner has reportadly gained 19 pounds before febuary and promised to gain 10 more pounds before the shooting of new moon! umm.... eww!! i mean, i know he needs to to better fit the character description of jacob, but seriously, that is SOOO unhealthy, his mother must be having a heart attack!!
thats all for now, comment and follow me :)
More Casting Rumors
i was doing some research and i found a video saying some of the cast of new moon, i have NO idea if this video is right or not, because at the begining of the vid they messed up the release date of new moon, and they also have the whole Taylor Lautner as jacob controversy messed up, and just to clarify things (again) Taylor lautner WILL be back in new moon
you can find the official vid here:
but just to let you know the movie will be released in NOVEMBER of this year (not december)
the video above explains that Aro will be played by Ben Barnes, and i think he was also in underworld, and for those of you who don't know what that is its another vampire vs. wearwolf movie,
so yeah, what are your opinions on Ben Barnes possibly playing Aro??
oh! and if your a twilight fan check out Underworld (1 2 and 3) They are AMAZING!!
i was doing some research and i found a video saying some of the cast of new moon, i have NO idea if this video is right or not, because at the begining of the vid they messed up the release date of new moon, and they also have the whole Taylor Lautner as jacob controversy messed up, and just to clarify things (again) Taylor lautner WILL be back in new moon
you can find the official vid here:
but just to let you know the movie will be released in NOVEMBER of this year (not december)
the video above explains that Aro will be played by Ben Barnes, and i think he was also in underworld, and for those of you who don't know what that is its another vampire vs. wearwolf movie,
so yeah, what are your opinions on Ben Barnes possibly playing Aro??
oh! and if your a twilight fan check out Underworld (1 2 and 3) They are AMAZING!!
Check it out!
so i found this on youtube
it just kinda talks about the volture and there roles in the book new moon, however still nothing about the casting of the volture, (sorry about sp) but some of you may find it interesting
it just kinda talks about the volture and there roles in the book new moon, however still nothing about the casting of the volture, (sorry about sp) but some of you may find it interesting
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
umm.... Casting List Please?!?!?!
So, i assume many of you have heard the TONS of rumors about the casting of new moon.
however Summit Entertainment hasn't exactly released any of the actors that will be playing what parts in new moon yet.....yeah..... and they start filming in LESS THEN A MONTH!!
as far as i can tell these are the only actors that are officially gonna be in New Moon:::
Robert Pattinson-Edward Cullen , Kristen Stewart-Bella Swan, Billy Burke-Charlie Swan, Ashley Greene-Alice Cullen, Jackson Rathbone-Jasper Hale, Nikki Reed-Rosalie Hale, Kellan Lutz-Emmett Cullen, Peter Facinelli-Carlisle Cullen, Elizabeth Reaser-Esme Cullen, Taylor Lautner-Jacob Black
and thats not really a big deal because those are all the same people in twilight!!
like seriously, i love how summit entertainment is trying to get new moon out by november and then eclipse out seven months after that, and lots of people think that they are on top of everything, and the way they are doing this is gonna be perfect, and they are being totally efficiant, but honestly, how can summit entertainment expect to do have not only New Moon released in so little time, but eclipse as well, when they haven't even releast the cast of new moon
i'm really hoping they can pull it together and end up making 2 really great movies
comment, what are your thoughts and opinions about this
however Summit Entertainment hasn't exactly released any of the actors that will be playing what parts in new moon yet.....yeah..... and they start filming in LESS THEN A MONTH!!
as far as i can tell these are the only actors that are officially gonna be in New Moon:::
Robert Pattinson-Edward Cullen , Kristen Stewart-Bella Swan, Billy Burke-Charlie Swan, Ashley Greene-Alice Cullen, Jackson Rathbone-Jasper Hale, Nikki Reed-Rosalie Hale, Kellan Lutz-Emmett Cullen, Peter Facinelli-Carlisle Cullen, Elizabeth Reaser-Esme Cullen, Taylor Lautner-Jacob Black
and thats not really a big deal because those are all the same people in twilight!!
like seriously, i love how summit entertainment is trying to get new moon out by november and then eclipse out seven months after that, and lots of people think that they are on top of everything, and the way they are doing this is gonna be perfect, and they are being totally efficiant, but honestly, how can summit entertainment expect to do have not only New Moon released in so little time, but eclipse as well, when they haven't even releast the cast of new moon
i'm really hoping they can pull it together and end up making 2 really great movies
comment, what are your thoughts and opinions about this
Monday, March 2, 2009
Has Kristine Stewart really got what it takes to be Bella Swan?
So i have no problem with Kristen Stewart playing Bella Swan, that is untill now!
so at first i was pretty excited kristen was playing bella, she fit the description of bella, and she had done some pretty good acting in "Catch That Kid", "The Messengers", and "In the Land of Women",
after i saw the movie i was like, i think she could have done a better job playing bella, she should have used more emotion, but overall she did okay,
THEN she started doing some interveiws talking about how GREAT she was in the movie, and that ticked me off a little, because she didnt do the BEST job, i mean, plenty of fan girls who know the part by heart who have no experience in acting what-so-ever could have pulled off bella better, but i still tried not to let it get to me, and after about a day i was over it.
Now, what really, REALLY ticked me off was she was asked why she wasn't at the grammy's and her father said “When it’s a great movie, not just one that makes a lot of money.” WTF!! umm... that ticked me off FWI it WAS a great movie, the only reason it may have sucked even a little bit was cuz your daughter cant act worth a shit!! (excuse my language) but then i cooled down, i'm still pretty pissed because HELLO!! twilight WAS great movie! enough to make THAT MUCH MONEY! so yeah, i was pretty mad. oh, and i found that direct quote from here:
and after all this grammys kristen is too good for everyone, she even mocked her fans, in another interview Kristen said ""Anywhere we'd go for Twilight was a psychotic situation. The sound was deafening, and it's thoughtless, as well…You get a slew of all these bullshit questions like, 'What's it like to kiss a vampire?' and 'How much do you love Robert?' Then you'll get one that's actually real, but you're like, 'No, I can't right now, I can't even consider [it]."
after that quote i was over the edge, i was just like OMG! if u don't like the fans and u think your too good for the movie then quit and let someone elts play bella, and idk, i was a huge HUGE fan of kirsten, but after practicly mocking the success of the movie and her fans like that, idk if she is really up to the role of bella, and there's barely any edward in new moon :(
a bella who doesnt care+ no edward= depressing movie
atlease we still have taylor lautner to keep the spirit of the movie going (jk edward comes in at the end)
okay, i'm sorry if your major kristen fans, and i totally pissed you off by writing this, but this is just my opinion, in about a month i will probably get over this whole hating kristen phase and i will love her again, anyways, leave a comment on your opinion about this whole deal, or your opinion on kristen in general, or if you might have a problem about any other actors leave a comment about that too :)
oh and i found the seccond quote at
NEW MOON NEWS!!!!!!!!!
MTV just realeased the new moon slogan, for those of you who forget (i hight doubt anyone did) but twilights slogan was "What do you live for when you can live forever;" which was awesome!! and the new moon slogan is AMAZING in my opinion, i think i love it even more then i love the twilight one
and the new slogan is!!
"Forbidden to Remember, Terrified to Forget"!!
anyways what do u think about it? leave a comment :)
MTV just realeased the new moon slogan, for those of you who forget (i hight doubt anyone did) but twilights slogan was "What do you live for when you can live forever;" which was awesome!! and the new moon slogan is AMAZING in my opinion, i think i love it even more then i love the twilight one
and the new slogan is!!
"Forbidden to Remember, Terrified to Forget"!!
anyways what do u think about it? leave a comment :)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Eclipse Director
there are some rumors that Eclipse will be directed by none other then Paul Weits, AKA Chris Weits's brother, and Both brothers worked on the screen directing for American Pie, so it should be interesting to see how Chris Weits does on new moon, and then seven months later see the job the Paul Weits does on Eclipse.
there are some rumors that Eclipse will be directed by none other then Paul Weits, AKA Chris Weits's brother, and Both brothers worked on the screen directing for American Pie, so it should be interesting to see how Chris Weits does on new moon, and then seven months later see the job the Paul Weits does on Eclipse.
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