Thursday, November 26, 2009
New Moon made how much?!?
This weekend, New Moon made over $140 million, making it the third biggest weekend opening of all time, right behind The Dark Knight and Spider-Man 3, AND the biggest weekend opening of 2009. It made twice as much as the original Twilight movie.
Friday, November 6, 2009
"Twilight" version of books
Saturday, October 24, 2009
the title explains itself
you can see the leaked scene here:
only 2 weeks and 5 days until the movie hits theaters!!
you can see the leaked scene here:
only 2 weeks and 5 days until the movie hits theaters!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Cool Picture
New Moon Movie Companion Official Cover Released!
Breaking Dawn Release date

Breaking Dawn is scheduled to release in the fall of 2011. however the exact date is not yet confirmed. and like the other movies in the twilight saga, it will have a new director, who, as well, is not yet confirmed. however there are some rumors going around that Breaking Dawn might be 2 movies, part 1, and part 2, and that both parts may be rate R, because of sexual scenes and nudity.
Whos Playing Leah?!?!?!

yes, the rumors are true. Julia Jones will be playing the role of Leah Clearwater in Eclipse, and (hopefully) breaking dawn as well. Julia is very pretty, and does fit the character of leah well looks wise. Julia is in the movies "the look" 2003, "black cloud" 2005, and "Three priests" 2008.
what do you think about the actress playing leah in eclipse? i think she looks to play the part, but im not so sure if she can act (ive never seen any of her other stuff =P)
Eclipse Set
nude scene rumors in ecipse?!?
there have recently been some rumors that in the newest movie of the Twilight saga, "Eclipse" there will be some voluri nude scenes, these rumors however, have been proven false, the director of eclipse recently made a public statement saying so.
and even more recent, there were rumors that bella and edward were going to have a nude scene in eclipse. this rumor however has not been proven false or not, however i highly doubt its true.
and even more recent, there were rumors that bella and edward were going to have a nude scene in eclipse. this rumor however has not been proven false or not, however i highly doubt its true.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Kristen Stewarts Wig

Yes, this is Kristen stewart. with her current, rocker hair style for the movie "The Runnaways" and with, her wig, that she'll be wearing in the movie Eclipse. Yes, she will be wearing a wig. no hair extensions, no dying it back to normal, but a wig. personally i dont like it. sure, it fits the character description for bella. but its not the same. i also dont like the face that kristen stewart cut and dyed her hair, the hidious way it looks now, for her movie the runaways, instead of wearing a wig for that movie. why you ask? because she has become bella to most of us fans, whether she likes it or not, she is bella, and Summit entertainment pays her TONS of money to play the part of bella, Twilight made Kristen as famous as she is. and she cuts and dyes her hair for this new movie, to show how dedicated she is? does that mean she isnt dedicated to twilight? what do you think?? comment below.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Volturi Crest

here is the new Volturi Crests, just recently released. the one at the top is the official one, that all of the members of the volturi will be wearing in new moon, and the other one is just a drawing of it. however on the drawing of it you can more distinctively see all of the characteristics of the the crest. what do u think about the crest? is it better then the cullens? or do you absolutely hate it? comment below =)

New Moon Book Cover!

the new moon book cover has recently been released. it is for the thinker, yet smaller version of the book, it will be in paperback only. as you can see it is bella with jacob. and an angry picture of edward in the background. it even comes with "an exclusive poster inside" which will most likely be a new moon movie poster. what do u think about the new book cover? comment below =)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
twilight barbie dolls??

Friday, August 28, 2009
Have you Scene It?

new twlight movie trivia dvd game out. Twilight's very own....Scene it? deluxe and regular edition out now. get em before they're gone
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Another rubik's cube

Remember a few months ago when i posted about the twilight Rubik's cube? with bella and edward on it? well now they have one witht he pictures of the books!!
more new Moon,
movie twilight,
New Moon Calendar

The New Moon 2010 Calendar is now in stores, in fact you can order you very own at Borders at this website:
the calendar comes in a regular size to hang up, and a smaller version that can stand on its own (as shown above)
personally from the released pics so far i really like the calendar, its alot beter then the twilight on in my opinion. what do u think?

About the Eclipse Direcor

so i know for most of you this is old news, but David Slade is going to be the director of Eclipse!!
for those of you who don't know David Slade also directed "30 Days of Night" - 2007, "Hard Candy" - 2005 , and "Do Geese See God" -2004, He has also won The Audience Award and Best Film Award for "Hard Candy" at The Catalonian International Film Festival
what do you think about David Slade directing Eclipse? comment below =)
eclipse directore david slade
Saturday, August 15, 2009
New Twilight Makeup Line (with pics)
A new line of twilight inspired makeup collection is soon to be released, the line has two different "selections" i guess you could call them, on is called Luna, and luna is more preppy colors, lots of pinks and reds, and Volturi, and Volturi is more brighter colors. both look really pretty! they have also came out with "Lip Venom" which is a dark red Lip Gloss. The collections mainly come in packages, that consist of eyeshadow, blush,nail polish, colored mascara, lip glosses and sticks, etc. all look really pretty, and each set looks really well put together.
which selection do u like more "Luna"? or "Volturi"? i personally like Volturi better, which is more for u?? comment below =)
Volturi Collection Package^ (brighter colors)
Luna Collection Package^ (more pinks and reds, natural maybe describes it??)
Lip venom ^ (i'm not sure if its Volturi or Luna, im guessing Volturi tho, because of the big V on the containter)
blue Volturi Mascara ^ (very pretty imo my fave of the collection so far released)
Bring red Luna Lipstick (also very pretty imo)
which selection do u like more "Luna"? or "Volturi"? i personally like Volturi better, which is more for u?? comment below =)

more new Moon,
movie twilight,
Twilight Video Game

Rumors are on the rise that a twilight video game is going to hit stores soon.
i couldn't find much information about the game, but once i do i'll keep everyone posted!!
what do u think the game will be like? will you play/buy/rent it? leave a comment below telling me your thoughts about it.
personally, i would buy it just for the sake of saying i have the official twilight video game, but im not sure it will be the funnest game ever, world of warcraft would definatly tap that. but what would you do? fight james?
New Moon Soundtrack Update

As i said in an earlier blog the New Moon officall soundtrack will be released on October 13th, this year. i also gave a list of songs that Stephanie Meyer and the directer of new moon have together chosen to put in the movie, as well as the soundtrack.
well now their are new rumors that the Kelly Clarkson song "Haunted" will also be on the soundtrack
what are your opinions about the soundtrack? good? bad? comment below =)
ps, the pic is NOT the official soundtrack cover!! it is a fanmade one =) i have heard rumors that the new moon soundtrack is going to have bella and edward on the cover, AS WELL as jacob =D
Twilight Comic Book

Stephanie Meyer has recently been working with a Japanese anime artist to turn the Twilight book into a comic book!! the book is finshed however it does not yet have an official release date that i know of....
the book is suppost to be like the book, as well as the movie.
i could not find the acuall cover of the book, however i did find a released page from one of the books, of bella and edward in science.
what do u think? do the pictures represent the characters well, i personally think edward looks pretty nice.... but bella..... not so much, tell me what you think in the comments below =)
midnight sun by stephanie meyer,
movie twilight
Eclipse the movie LOGO!?!

This is the OFFICIAL logo for Eclipse, the 3rd movie/ books of the twilight saga! Eclipse began filming on August 13th, 2009, and will be in theaters on April 30th, 2010!
what are your thoughts on this logo? personally its my favorite so far, i'm liking the eclipse in the background =) and the colors!!
however, if the theories are true about the whole logo = tinted color of the acuall movie, i wonder how they are going to give eclispe a dark-blue, black tint..... i guess we will just have to find out
New Moon Trailer 2!
So yesterday, as many people may know, the second new moon trailer premiered during band slam. so today i went to see the movie, and bandslam, wasnt very good, but the new moon trailer was AWESOME!!!! it showed alot of jacob and bellas relationship, some scenes that have been released on (you can find the full motorcycle crashing scene, and the scene where bella saves edward there btw) as well as some (full on! not cautious like in twilight) making out scenes with bella and edward. it even showed a shirtless jacob (many times! and yumm! might i add) along with bella and jacob cuddling and almost kissing!! and for about half a seccond you can even see a sneak peak of what dakota fanning as jane looks like! (she looks good!)
The only thing that i didnt like about this trailer was taylor lautner (jacob) talked about the movie alot in it, like he was at an interview, and i think the suspence would have been built up better if they didnt put that in, but nevertheless it was a very well made trailer that got me excited for new moon. if you havent seen the trailer yet, you can go to and type in "New Moon Trailer 2 in english) and many results will pop up if they havent yet been taken down due to copyright.
what are your thoughts about the trailer? good? bad? tell me in the comments below? =)
The only thing that i didnt like about this trailer was taylor lautner (jacob) talked about the movie alot in it, like he was at an interview, and i think the suspence would have been built up better if they didnt put that in, but nevertheless it was a very well made trailer that got me excited for new moon. if you havent seen the trailer yet, you can go to and type in "New Moon Trailer 2 in english) and many results will pop up if they havent yet been taken down due to copyright.
what are your thoughts about the trailer? good? bad? tell me in the comments below? =)
Breaking Dawn,
Jacob Black,
midnight sun,
more new Moon,
movie twilight,
new moon trailer,
Stephanie Meyer,
Cool new moon pic

a new official new moon poster with all of the cullens, will be hitting stores (or atleast hot topic) soon =)
more new moon and eclipse rumors,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
so as most of you know on August 14, 2009 during bandslam they are going to show the 2nd trailer of New Moon!!
you can watch 14 secconds of the trailer, not yet released here:
you'll have to scroll down a bit, but its there =) you can also vote on when and where u plan to see the official trailer!!
i dunno about u, but im DEFIANTLY going to go to bandslam this friday to see it!!!
you can watch 14 secconds of the trailer, not yet released here:
you'll have to scroll down a bit, but its there =) you can also vote on when and where u plan to see the official trailer!!
i dunno about u, but im DEFIANTLY going to go to bandslam this friday to see it!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
This is our new victoria =(

Bryce Dallas Howard is now the New Victoria for Eclipse =(
personally: me no likely! Rachelle is the only person i can and ever will imagine playing Victoria.
sign a twitter petition to get her back in eclipse sign here:
petition 'Rachelle Lefevre back as 'Victoria' in Eclipse!' -
i doubt it will do much.
i dunno about you, but this news about victoria is making me not want to watch eclipse. in fact, if Rachelle isn't re-casted, i doubt i will see it...
i don't know about you. but i defiantly do not like this news at all.
summit. you have made a very big mistake! be prepared to have pissed off fans.
Summit Entertainment fired Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) from eclipse WTF!

Summit Entertainment fired Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) from eclipse. apparently rachelle lefevre had a contract with summit that she couldnt do any other movies that could get in the way of the eclipse filming, but she signed onto a different movie during the eclispe filming, however the filming of the other movie DOES NOT get in the way of the eclipse filming.
but summit entertainment fired her anyways. i guess they just don't understand that a bunch of angry fans are gonna be pissed off!
Personally, i am very effin' pissed right now
more about the victoria controversy here:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Pic,
New moon pics leaked
go to this website and see exclusive new moon volturie pics that were leaked
go to this website and see exclusive new moon volturie pics that were leaked
Sunday, July 26, 2009
New Moon Soundtrack!!
Hi There!
a recent report says that the New Moon Soundtrack will be released on October 13 2009!!!
the soundtrack is rumored to include the following songs:
What are your opinions about the soundtrack. Good? Bad? leave a comment and follow me =)
a recent report says that the New Moon Soundtrack will be released on October 13 2009!!!
the soundtrack is rumored to include the following songs:
- "Do you realize?" - The Flaming Lips
- "Papercut" - Linkin Park
- "Hyper Music" - Muse
- "Apocalypse Please" - Muse
- "Time Stands Still" - The All-American Rejects
- "Empty Room" - Marjorie Fair
- "Unwell" - Matchbox Twenty
- "Pain" - Jimmy Eat World
- "Ride" - The Vines
- "Fix You" - Coldplay
- "Blueside" - Rooney
- "Over My Head (Cable Car)" - The Fray
- "Going Under" - Evanescence
- "Tautou" - Brand New
- "Be My Escape" - Relient K
- "Never Let You Down" - Verve Pipe
- "Sing For Absolution" - Muse
- "Ya Mamma" - Fatboy Slim (Generic action-scene music)
- "D.O.A." - Foo Fighters
- "Stare" - Marjorie Fair
- "Memory" - Sugarcult
- "The Truth About Heaven" - Armor For Sleep
- "The Scientist" - Coldplay
- "Sound of Pulling Heaven Down" - Blue October
What are your opinions about the soundtrack. Good? Bad? leave a comment and follow me =)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Animated Twilight Rubics Cube
New Moon Posters and T-shirts now at Hot Topic

As of June 3 2009 Hot Topic has been selling New Moon T-shirts and Posters, (i got a t-shirt hehe) and the t-shirts are basically black with the picture to the left on them, they are awesome!! and the poster, is the picture to the left ;P
because Hot Topic is getting new shipments of new moon stuff most of the twilight suff is 50% off, in fact you can now get the twilight key chains, and pins for 98 cents, and you can get a twilight poster for only $2 so go get em before they're gone =)
Twilight Takes Over MTV movie awards
hey there everyone!!
so as most of you may know twilight was nominated in many categories of the mtv movie awards, including, best female actress, best fight, best kiss, and so on and so on, and well, they won every single category that they were nominated for, except for best song in a movie, miley cyrus won for her song the climb (personally i don't like that song and paramore SO should have won for decode) but twilight still took over, and they won the best movie awards at the end, and the whole (well most of) the cast went up to accept the awards, and so did Catherine Hardwick, and it was really cool =)
also at the mtv movie awards they showed the first new moon trailer!!!!!!!!! was that cool or WHAT!! now i dunno about you, but i'm SOOOO pumped for the movie right now, comes out in theaters November 20th, so mark your calendars.
they also showed 2 parodys in which twilight was in, both very funny, so check them out on youtube, or
so as most of you may know twilight was nominated in many categories of the mtv movie awards, including, best female actress, best fight, best kiss, and so on and so on, and well, they won every single category that they were nominated for, except for best song in a movie, miley cyrus won for her song the climb (personally i don't like that song and paramore SO should have won for decode) but twilight still took over, and they won the best movie awards at the end, and the whole (well most of) the cast went up to accept the awards, and so did Catherine Hardwick, and it was really cool =)
also at the mtv movie awards they showed the first new moon trailer!!!!!!!!! was that cool or WHAT!! now i dunno about you, but i'm SOOOO pumped for the movie right now, comes out in theaters November 20th, so mark your calendars.
they also showed 2 parodys in which twilight was in, both very funny, so check them out on youtube, or
Thursday, May 28, 2009
tomorrow night (may 29 2009) on channel 7 (KOAT) during entertainment tonight they are going to be showing the new moon trailer, at 6:30 western time. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so watch it =)
Eclipse!! Director
Eclipse, the third movie of the twilight saga, is going to be directed by David Slade.
MTV Movie Awards:: Everything Twilight and New moon related
Vote for 2009 Mtv movie awards at
Twilight, or twilight actors have been nominated for the following categories:
Best movie: Twilight
Best Female Performance: Kristen Stewart in Twilight
Breakthrough Male Performance: Both Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner were nominated (meaning we have to choose between them)
Best Kiss: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight
Best Fight: "Vampire Showdown" Robert Pattinson vs. Cam Gigandet in Twilight
Best song in a movie: "Decode" by Paramore in Twilight
During the awards they are also going to show THE FIRST NEW MOON TRAILER!!!! and its going to be presented by Robert, Kristen, and Taylor!! so vote and watch the mtv movie awards on may 31!!
Twilight, or twilight actors have been nominated for the following categories:
Best movie: Twilight
Best Female Performance: Kristen Stewart in Twilight
Breakthrough Male Performance: Both Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner were nominated (meaning we have to choose between them)
Best Kiss: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight
Best Fight: "Vampire Showdown" Robert Pattinson vs. Cam Gigandet in Twilight
Best song in a movie: "Decode" by Paramore in Twilight
During the awards they are also going to show THE FIRST NEW MOON TRAILER!!!! and its going to be presented by Robert, Kristen, and Taylor!! so vote and watch the mtv movie awards on may 31!!
New moon teaster poster

This is the new teaster poster for New Moon featuring Edward, Jacob, and Bella. Theres been alot of controversy with fans because bellas with jacob instead of edward, but i personally like this poster more then the other two.
This poster also tells us that the movie is going to be in a browish/orangish theme, like twilight was with blue. Posters like this are also soon going to be released and sold in stores such as Borders and Hot Topic.
New Moon Spoiler Pics
Go to this website for new moon Spoiler pics outside the clock tower with Edward and Bella, including a KISS!
Go to this website for new moon Spoiler pics outside the clock tower with Edward and Bella, including a KISS!
New Moon Cast!!!
Hey there everyone! i'm SO sorry i haven't updated any news in a few months, but my computer crashed, and so i haven't been able to get much internet access in a while. but i got a new labtop, so hopefully news should be put up regularyly.
i copied and pasted the official cast list from go check out that website, it has alot of information about new moon and the cast members
I know this is old news by now, but heres the new moon cast:
i copied and pasted the official cast list from go check out that website, it has alot of information about new moon and the cast members
I know this is old news by now, but heres the new moon cast:
Jamie Campbell Bower | ... | Caius | |
Justin Chon | ... | Eric Yorkie |
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